While The Biden-Xi Summit Was Well-Publicized, US-China Ties Did Not Change Strategically


In an effort to reduce tensions between the two superpowers over a range of topics, including averting military confrontations, drug trafficking, and artificial intelligence, US President Joe Biden and Chinese Leader Xi Jinping met on Wednesday. Biden stated that the US and China need to make sure that their rivalry “does not veer into conflict” in his opening remarks. According to Biden, the two parties decided to give each other a call if they had any concerns. He later referred to Jinping as a tyrant, though.

Is there a chance to restart the relationship indicated by the US-China meeting?

When Power Number 1—the United States—met Power Number 2—China, the world sighed with relief. There are two ongoing conflicts: one in Gaza and one in Ukraine. The world cannot afford a third battle, where the two primary powers confront each other. The discussions help to stabilize the global situation. However, to suggest that their relationship has reset is to overstate the situation. Actually, what has happened is that the two parties have agreed to refrain from unintentional collisions. They will communicate with one another, refrain from further upsetting the balance of the world, and lessen the likelihood of any unintentional encounters.

It’s important to realize that while the exercise had positive optics, US President Joe Biden ultimately referred to China’s President Xi Jinping as a dictator—a reality that should not be overlooked. It is incorrect to say that relationships have been reset. In terms of upcoming conflicts, the world is a better place to live.

Regarding Joe Biden’s dictature remark

Joe Biden expressed his views clearly. It would never have been received well. Given that China is ruled by a single party, the Communist Party of China, this is a truth. When Joe Biden described Xi Jinping as a tyrant, he wasn’t incorrect.

Accords on US-China negotiations

In order to prevent any unintentional shooting or collision, communication between the theater commanders is crucial. According to the White House statement, President Biden has made it very plain where the United States stands and what China may expect from it. He also stated that there will be no concessions made under any circumstances. Just two things have emerged from it that are beneficial to everyone. One is drugs, which is the process of making fentanyl. From where do the medications originate? Myanmar is the source of 99 percent of the meth pills that enter India. These are from the state of Myanmar, which is under the control of militias backed by China. Therefore, it is critical that global action be taken to combat synthetic pharmaceuticals. What is the additional item? Climate change is the other issue. In order to take effective action on climate change, both parties have made the decision to work together.

That can certainly have political connotations since it could happen that the two sides band together to pressure the third party to take a specific action related to climate change. However, the most significant aspect of this whole affair for the world to observe is the impending January elections in Taiwan. Presently, the opposition is coming together and posing a threat to the current government, although it is not as anti-China as the DPP is. China will benefit if there is a regime change. It can genuinely bring about change within Taiwan, instead of attempting to invade it. This is something that requires observation.

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