When do we (or do we not) owe the King our allegiance?


There’s a buzz in the air because The Corrie Naish is approaching in less than 24 hours. Royalists have begun literally establishing camp around the Mall as preparations for tomorrow’s historic event are finalised. If there’s one thing we can depend on, it’s that at the ceremony, these guys will unquestionably swear devotion to old Chazza.

It is encouraged but not required for those watching at home or on large screens across the nation to make the commitment. The event is scheduled to take place during the first-ever “Homage of the People,” a new component of the ceremony that replaces the “Homage of Peers,” in which a long queue of hereditary peers would kneel and make a promise to the king in person.

The commitment has sparked fury in many individuals, and it appears that Charles experienced the same feelings. I can’t think of anything more repulsive than this, said Jonathan Dimbleby, a broadcaster and personal friend of HRH Jonathan. He has never sought awe or respect. He’s only ever wanted others to honour him in jesting ways as a joke.

If that didn’t deter you, though, then read on to learn everything you should know before swearing loyalty to King Charles.

How do we swear fealty to the King?

All people of good will in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as from the other kingdoms and territories, are urged by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to “pay their homage, in heart and voice, to their undoubted King, defender of all.”

Then, everyone present, including those who are watching from home, will be asked to answer by swearing, “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law.” Help me, God.

The people will be invited to sing, “God save King Charles,” after a fanfare is played and before the Archbishop proclaims, “God save the King.” King Charles is still alive. The King may reign forever.

What does “allegiance” actually mean?

It is meant to symbolise the person’s loyalty to the new monarch.

The archbishop’s house, Lambeth Palace, announced the new custom with the intention that it would spark a “great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the King.”

When is the pledge going to happen?

After Charles has been placed on the Coronation Chair and has received homage from the Archbishop, Prince William, and Church of England bishops participating in the service, the Homage of the People will take place immediately after the ceremony.

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