“Terrorism Malignancy…Deserves Condemnation” Is The Reason India Abstained From Voting In The Un On Israel


India stated that the October 7 attack was horrific and that the culprits should be held accountable, while being one of the 44 nations who abstained from voting on the UN resolution condemning Israel and requesting a ceasefire. The UN adopted a resolution written by Jordan that made no mention of Hamas. India likewise avoided mentioning Hamas in their justification for abstaining from voting. On the other hand, India backed Canada’s amendment to the resolution that added a paragraph denouncing Hamas.

In her explanation of the vote, India’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Yojna Patel, stated that this august organization should be extremely disturbed when violence is used in a world where disagreements and conflicts should be settled by discussion. The envoy added, “That too, when it occurs on a scale and intensity that is an affront to basic human values.”

Yojna Patel continued, “Using violence to further political goals causes widespread harm and does not lead to long-term solutions.”

“Terrorism is a cancer that has no regard for boundaries, ethnicity, or nationality. There is no excuse for terror attacks that the world should accept. She continued, saying, “Let us set aside differences, come together, and adopt a zero-tolerance approach to terrorism.” India is extremely concerned about the security situation’s decline and the number of civilian deaths in the ongoing fight.

“The humanitarian crisis will only get worse as hostilities in the area escalate.” The captives must be released immediately and without conditions, she declared, urging all parties to act with the highest responsibility.

“India has consistently backed a two-state solution based on negotiations that would produce a sovereign, independent, and viable state of Palestine within safe and recognized boundaries, coexisting peacefully with Israel. India stated, “For this reason, we implore the parties to defuse their need for violence, defuse the situation, and endeavor to set the stage for the prompt start of direct peace talks.

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